Sunday Morning
Back to Sermon ArchiveMarch 24, 2019
"When Jesus Called Levi"
Series: Book of Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Luke 5:27–32
January 22, 2017
"The Danger of Doing Ministry in Difficult Days"
Pastor: Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 2 Samuel 4:1–12
January 8, 2017
"What the Flesh Will Make you Do"
Pastor: Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 2 Samuel 3:1–31
December 25, 2016
"A Marvel-ous Christmas"
Pastor: Rev. Leighton Tong Series: Advent Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Titus 3:3–7
December 18, 2016
"Grace for Christmas"
Pastor: Series: Advent Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 1:14–18
December 11, 2016
"I've been Chosen to Serve God "
Pastor: Series: Advent Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Luke 1:25–38
December 4, 2016
"On the Journey Looking for Jesus"
Series: Advent Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Matthew 2:1–12
November 27, 2016
"Trouble in the Kingdom" [The Fight that didn't Need to Happen] (Part One Continued...)
Pastor: Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 2 Samuel 2:12–32
November 20, 2016
"Being Thankful for a Savior Worth Serving"
Pastor: Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Colossians 1:15–18
October 16, 2016
"The Antidote for Anxiety"
Pastor: Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Philippians 4:4–7
October 9, 2016
"Life's Lessons from the Battlefield"
Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 31:1–5, 2 Samuel 1:1–16
September 25, 2016
"Strive to be a Mature Witness"
Pastor: Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Philippians 1:12–19
September 18, 2016
"Three Mandates in Worship"
Pastor: Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 12:1–11
September 11, 2016
"The Consequences of Disobedience"
Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 31:1–13
September 4, 2016
"How to Encourage Yourself in the Lord"
Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 30:1–31
August 28, 2016
"What Happened when Jesus came to Church"
Pastor: Series: Evangelism Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Mark 1:21–28
August 21, 2016
"When Saul Disobeyed the Lord"
Pastor: Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 28:3–20
August 14, 2016
"Peter and the Mission to the Gentiles"
Pastor: Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Acts 10:24-29; 34-35–43-48
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July 24, 2016
"The School of God"
Pastor: Series: Army of Victory Ministers Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Luke 4:1–12
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July 17, 2016
“Your Attitude, not your Aptitude, will determine your Altitude”
Pastor: Series: Advent Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Luke 15:11–32
July 10, 2016
"The True Value"
Pastor: Series: Army of Victory Ministers Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Luke 15:8–10
July 3, 2016
"The Lost Sheep"
Pastor: Series: Army of Victory Ministers Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Luke 15:1–7
June 19, 2016
A Man Named Jairus--"A Do Something Daddy"
Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Mark 5:21-24–35-43
June 5, 2016
"One Step Ahead of the Enemy" [Part 3]
Pastor: Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 24:1–22
May 1, 2016
"Victory Over the Amalekites"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Exodus 17:8–16
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April 17, 2016
"One Step Ahead of the Enemy" [Part 2]
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 23:14–29
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April 10, 2016
"One Step Ahead of the Enemy" [Part 1]
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 23:6–14
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April 3, 2016
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Hebrews 12:7–8
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March 27, 2016
"The Disciples Came Looking for Jesus"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 20:1–10
March 20, 2016
"A Savior for the City"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 23:1–5
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March 13, 2016
The Chronicles of David [Part 10]--"Persecution in the Ministry"
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 22:6–23
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March 6, 2016
The Chronicles of David [Part 9]--"When God Encouraged His Heart"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 22:1–5
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February 21, 2016
The Chronicles of David [Part.7]--"A Pivotal Moment in the Ministry"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 20:1–42
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February 14, 2016
"Something that Changes our Churches"
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Genesis 41:1–46
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February 7, 2016
The Chronicles of David [Part 6]--"With Trouble in the Ministry, who can you Trust?"
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 19:1–24
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January 31, 2016
"He's A Good Good Father"
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Luke 15:11–32
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January 10, 2016
The Chronicles of David [Part 5]--"Serving in a Difficult Ministry" (Part 2)
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 18:17–30
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January 3, 2016
"The Chronicles of David [Part 4]--"Serving in a difficult Ministry" (Part 1)
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 18:5–16
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December 27, 2015
The Chronicles of David--The Killing of Goliath" [Part 3]
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:40–54
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December 20, 2015
"The Chronicles of David--The Makings of a Kings Ministry" [Part 2]
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:14–23
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December 13, 2015
"The Chronicles of David--Chosen by God for the Ministry" [Part 1]
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:1–13
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November 22, 2015
The Chronicles of Saul [Part 4]--"How Fearful-Disobedience messed up his ministry
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 13:1–14
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November 8, 2015
The Chronicles of Saul--"Samuel's Address at Saul's Coronation" [THE BITTER--SWEET NEWS] [Part 3]
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 12:1–25
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November 1, 2015
The Chronicles of Saul--"Striaght out of Gibeah" [Part 2]
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 11:1–15
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October 18, 2015
"The Chronicles of Saul" [Part 1]
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 10:1–27
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October 4, 2015
"Give Us a King" [The Rejection of Yahweh]
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 8:1–22
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September 27, 2015
"How to Cultivate the Elements of Revival" [Part 2]
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 7:3–17
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September 20, 2015
"How to Cultivate the Elements of Revival" [Part 1]
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 7:1–2
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September 13, 2015
"The Return of the Ark: God's Unfinished Business"
Pastor: Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 6:1–21
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September 6, 2015
"The Philistines Meet Yahweh"
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 5:1–12
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August 30, 2015
"Trouble, Trials and Tribulation in Israel"
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 4:1–4:22
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August 23, 2015
"A Kid that God Could Use" {Key Lessons in Parenting}
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 3:1–3:21
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August 16, 2015
"The Wickedness of Eli's Sons--When the Preachers Kids Go Bad"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:12–2:29
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August 9, 2015
A miracle just for Hannah
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 1–1
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July 19, 2015
Now and Later Part 1(Earthly Living with Kingdom Focus)
Pastor: Rev. Leighton Tong Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Luke 6:17–6:23
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July 5, 2015
"The Wickedness in Sodom" Part 2
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Genesis 19:12–19:29
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June 28, 2015
"The Wickedness of Sodom and the Demise of Lot" Part 1
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Genesis 19:1–19:11
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June 21, 2015
"Having the Right Attitude during Adversity"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Philippians 1:15–1:20
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June 14, 2015
"Looking for people who want the Word"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Acts 17:10–17:15
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June 7, 2015
Preaching and Problems in Ministry--"The Struggles that come when you labor for God"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Acts 17:1–17:9
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May 31, 2015
"Salvation at Midnight" (Suffering so others may come into the Kingdom)
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Acts 16:27–16:34
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May 17, 2015
"Dealing with Trouble in the Ministry"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Acts 16:16–16:25
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May 3, 2015
The Five-Star Church ; Disputes and Divisions; How God gets the Glory (Part 2)
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Acts 15:36–15:41
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April 26, 2015
"The Cost of Following Jesus"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Matthew 16:24–16:27
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March 15, 2015
"The Five-Star Church and Secret of Endurance--Keep Pressing On" (Part 3)
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Philippians 3:12–3:14
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March 8, 2015
"The Five Star Church and the Secret of Contentment" (Part 2)
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Philippians 4:10–4:13
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March 1, 2015
"The Anatomy of a Five-Star Church--A church that demostrated her Love" (Part 1)
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Philippians 4:15–4:20
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February 15, 2015
"The Enemy that comes from Inside"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Genesis 6:1–6:7
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February 8, 2015
"Called, Commissioned, and Confronted"
Series: Book of Acts Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Acts 13:1–13:12
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February 1, 2015
"The Power of a Praying Church"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Acts 12:1–12:17
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January 18, 2015
"Are You a Judas"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Luke 22:1–22:6
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January 11, 2015
"Three Elements of Worship for a New Beginning"
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 12:1–12:11
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January 4, 2015
"A Photo of Jesus--God So Loved the World"
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Genesis 22:1–22:14
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December 28, 2014
"The Best Christmas Gift Ever"
Series: Advent Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 4:13–4:26
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December 21, 2014
Joseph’s Choice: Two Dreams that Saved a Family
Series: Advent Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Matthew 1:18–2:15
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October 12, 2014
A man under Authority
Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Luke 7:1–1:10
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August 17, 2014
"A New Ministry for the City"
Series: Book of Acts Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Acts 8:5–8:8
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August 10, 2014
"When Your Life is on the Ropes"
Pastor: Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Galatians 6:7–6:9
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July 20, 2014
What's My Purpose?
Pastor: Rev. Leighton Tong Series: Audio Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 1:6–1:12
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May 11, 2014
"A Miracle for Momma" Part 1
Series: Mother's Day Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Mark 1:29–1:31
May 11, 2014
"A Miracle for Momma" Part 2
Series: Mother's Day Sermon Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Mark 1:29–1:31
April 6, 2014
It starts with the Seed
Pastor: Rev. Leighton Tong Series: Evangelism Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Mark 4:26–4:29
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December 22, 2013
A New Perspective on Ministry (Part 1)
Series: A New Perspective on Ministry / A New Ministry Perspective Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: 1 Kings 17:1-7
November 24, 2013
Caring for the Body of Christ
Series: Book of John Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 19:31-42
October 27, 2013
Politics of Pilate Part 4
Series: Politics of Pilate Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 19:6-16
June 9, 2013
When Jesus Prayed for the Disciples
Series: Praying the Right Way Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 17:6-19
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June 2, 2013
Jesus Prayed About It
Series: Praying the Right Way Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 17:1-5
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May 26, 2013
A Savior Who Overcomes
Series: Book of John Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 16:29-33
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May 19, 2013
An Attack Against Stewardship by Satan
Series: Stewardship Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Acts 5:1-11
March 3, 2013
"Why the World Hates You" [Part 2]
Series: Book of John Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 15:20–25
January 13, 2013
"Abiding in Christ and Producing Results" [Part 1]
Series: Book of John Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 15:1–2
January 6, 2013
"Having Hope in Difficult Times"
Series: Book of John Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 14:1–7
September 9, 2012
"A Servant with a Towel Ministry" [Part 2]
Series: Book of John Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 13:12–20
September 2, 2012
"A Savior with a Towel Mentality" [Part 1]
Series: Book of John Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 13:1–11
April 22, 2012
I Once was Blind But Now I See--"Pointing Others to Jesus" [Part 2]
Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 9:8–12
January 8, 2012
"Jesus is Still the Good Shepherd"
Series: Evangelism Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 10:1–6
November 27, 2011
"What Happened When They Set a Trap for Jesus"
Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 8:1–11
November 13, 2011
"Ministry in a Hostile Place--Leaving the feast at Last" [Part 3]
Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 7:32–53
November 6, 2011
"Ministry in a Hostile Place" [Part 2]
Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 7:25–31
October 23, 2011
"A commitment to Ministry--Don't Stop What You're Doing"
Series: Book of John Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 7:10–13
October 16, 2011
"The Discouragement of Ministry"
Series: Book of John Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 7:1–9