"A Moment with Jesus"
Topic: Facebook Live Cell Group with Pastor Scripture: John 3:1–8
Manna in the chapel
Dr. Angulus Wilson
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A Moment with Jesus
John 3:1-8
If there was one truth in all of the world that relates to everyone, it is the truth that everybody will one day have their one moment with the Master. In this one moment, all men will have the privilege of accepting Him or rejecting him.
Nicodemus is in the thick of his one moment; he has the attention of God the creator all to himself. In this moment God reveals his plan, purpose and promise to Nicodemus concerning the redemption process for man.
The last time we were gathered together in this text we saw Jesus at work cleansing his father’s house. The Master was angry at the sin and wicked behavior of men that was taking place in the temple. Then the story takes an amazing turn in the following verses (Jn. 2:23-25):
23 Because of the miraculous signs he did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many people were convinced that he was indeed the Messiah. 24 But Jesus didn't trust them, because he knew what people were really like. 25 No one needed to tell him about human nature.
According to the text, Jesus began to do what the Father wanted him to do on earth, and people were drawn to follow him, except he did not allow them to. He would not commit himself to any man, because he knew what was in them.
It’s a bad thing when God knows that you need him, but he won’t draw close to you. It is possible to be so sick with sin that you ask God to hook you up so you can do what is evil in your heart.
God never commits himself to the one who has evil motives to use his blessings.
The first two verses of our text today introduce Nicodemus, and the desire he had to get to know Jesus.
1After dark one evening, a Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus, a Pharisee, 2 came to speak with Jesus. "Teacher," he said, "we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are proof enough that God is with you."
As Nicodemus begins his quest, we see that he was not only a leader in the religious crowd, he was someone who had power and influence but was not satisfied with his position. Nicodemus was on a quest to find God, seeking and searching for something to satisfy him in life.
But Nicodemus came to Jesus at night, under the cover of darkness.
• He came in secret on a quest for God.
• He came in silence on a quest for God.
• He came in seclusion on a quest for God.
Nicodemus saw what Jesus did at the Passover feast and was impressed by God, so he came by night to see if he could get to know Him.
• Night time is the time when most people are looking for God!
• Night time is when troubling-tears fall on the pillow.
• Night time is when even the rich get worried.
• Night time is when even the strong get weak.
• Night time is when even the powerful loose strength. · Night time is when most men get vulnerable.
And night time is when the search for Jesus is at its strongest hour. Nicodemus came searching at night.
There are some more religious seekers reading this very text today.
Just like Nicodemus, you have been around religion all of your life. Just like Nicodemus, you have been in control of your life.
Yet even in all of your control and all of your religious circles, you know that you don’t have a good relationship with God.
Perhaps, you too are not sure of your salvation. And just like Nicodemus you too are looking for Jesus, because you heard he can change your life.
Listen to Nicodemus:
"Teacher," he said, "we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are proof enough that God is with you." Nicodemus had watched God move in someone else’s life and came to tell him that he believed Jesus was from God. He believed because of what he saw, but he did not have a relationship with God.
• It is not enough to believe because of what you see!
• It is not enough to believe in what you heard!
• It is not enough to believe in what you believe! You must be born again!
The first thing we notice in verse three is Jesus’ response to Nicodemus’ misunderstanding of being born again.
3 Jesus replied, "I assure you, unless you are born again, you can never see the Kingdom of God.
Jesus wants Nicodemus to know that to get into Heaven he has to die to the old man, and be born the right way (he must be born again). The first time he was born, he was born the wrong way. He has to come through a “New Birth”. He has to be born from up above.
Because of the Masters teaching Nicodemus is confused. He is used to religious talk, but not heaven talk.
Nicodemus wants to think logically about the new birth. He wants to identify it in human terms. But human terms and divine terms are never the same.
Jesus is speaking about spiritual matters and supernatural intervention. God is speaking to Nicodemus and he does not comprehend.
Every now and then God speaks to us all and we don’t comprehend. We try to make things make sense in human terms, but they just don’t fit.
· God demands that we see the mystery of his word · God demands that we trust the mystery of his word · God demands that we submit to the mystery of the word.
Secondly, in the next three verses of this passage we see the only way to enter into heaven! It is through the supernatural assistance given by the Spirit of God.
5 Jesus replied, "The truth is, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. 6 Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven. 7 So don't be surprised at my statement that you must be born again. 8 Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit."
It is the Holy Spirit that brings about the “New Birth”. First comes the water, which is the word, then comes the “New Birth”.
Unless you hear the word and accept the Spirit of God, you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.
• You cannot be religious enough.
• You cannot be smart enough.
• You cannot be rich enough.
• You cannot be tall enough.
You can only enter God’s Kingdom by being born from above. In order to make into heaven, the Holy Spirit must come into your life and save you, causing you to become a new person. To experience a “New Birth” you must die to the old and give way to the new you. You have to become a new person in order to see heaven.
Nicodemus remains at a disadvantage in this conversation with the Master as he asks, “What do you mean?” (v. 9). As a student of the Old Testament, he has never heard of a New Birth. He was looking for the Messiah to come, but to him the Law was all he needed to see God’s Kingdom. He sees the evidence that Jesus could be the Messiah, but now he can’t comprehend the truth of God’s word.
• The natural man cannot understand the things of God.
• The natural man cannot understand the new birth.
• The natural man cannot see how a new birth will help him to get to heaven.
The natural man believes he should have something to do with New Birth. But the New Birth must come from the Spirit, by the Spirit, through the Spirit and because of the Spirit.
I am afraid that the natural man reading this today is not born again. You think you are born from above, but you are still the same old you.
I am afraid that the natural man is all dressed up, but God is still far away from you.
The natural man can’t see that he can’t get to heaven just like he is. He can’t see that the Holy Spirit does not live in the one who has not welcomed him and won’t claim him if He hasn’t been claimed. The Holy Spirit lives nowhere inside the enemy of God, nor does He lead or guide them.
The tragedy in this is that you are living a lie. The tragedy in this is that you act religious, but there’s no righteousness within. The tragedy in this is that religion can’t save you and church can’t help you.
“You must be Born again,” born from up above!
In the closing verses, Jesus recognizes that Nicodemus has unbelief! As a teacher of the Old Testament he should have realized the fulfillment of scripture in the coming Messiah.
10 Jesus replied, "You are a respected Jewish teacher, and yet you don't understand these things? 11 I assure you, I am telling you what we know and have seen, and yet you won't believe us. 12 But if you don't even believe me when I tell you about things that happen here on earth, how can you possibly believe if I tell you what is going on in heaven? 13 For only I, the Son of Man, have come to earth and will return to heaven again. 14 And as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so I, the Son of Man, must be lifted up on a pole, 15 so that everyone who believes in me will have eternal life.
Jesus clarifies again for him who he is; “I assure you, I am telling you what we know and have seen, and yet you won't believe us.” He is speaking for and of the triune God! In this observation, Jesus informs Nicodemus that earth is not his home, but heaven is. And if he does not believe the things he is talking about doing in the earth, how will he understand and believe the things he is doing in heaven.
In closing this conversation Jesus then reveals one last time what his purpose for coming to earth is, and what his plan fully entails in redeeming lost men.
• Jesus says ‘I have come down from heaven and will return back again’!
• Just like Moses, who offered a sacrifice in the wilderness to save man, I have come to be the final sacrifice for mankind.
To further drive home his point, Jesus brings up the Old Testament (Num. 21:5-9) in verses 14 and 15 to show Nicodemus his need for a savior and reveal who He truly is; so everyone that believes in Him will be saved and have eternal life.
• Nicodemus didn’t get it, but he was looking in the eyes of the Savior.
• Nicodemus didn’t get it, but he had his moment with the Master.
• Nicodemus didn’t get it, but one day he would!
• Nicodemus didn’t see, but one day it would come into view
A Moment with Jesus (pt. 2)
John 3:16-17
Every now and then in life, God has a way of revealing himself to you! These encounters are designed for you to get to know God better. These are what I call moments with the Master.
You know these moments, they happen when you are seeking God for instruction and wisdom! God has a way of breaking through to reveal who he is and what His plan is for your life!
Nicodemus was in the middle of one of these moments! He was on a secret mission to find out more about God. He was exposed to the Master and then drawn in by what he saw.
I need to tell somebody today that we need more people to be exposed to the Gospel so God can draw them unto himself. We need more people to be exposed to the truth of the word so that the Spirit of God can open the eyes of the blind. We need more good news messengers who are not afraid to go after those who are lost and on their way to a burning hell.
If we put our ears to the text this morning, we would overhear the conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus! Jesus is breaking down the mystery of salvation to Him.
Nicodemus, as a religious leader, did not know the way to God! He thought he was on the right track; he thought he was doing the right things; he thought he was living the right way; he thought he was good enough to get in but Nicodemus didn’t have a clue. He was lost and going to hell as a clean and moral man!
When I survey the world religions today, my heart is truly heavy! For I can see some good and nice religious people who look just like Nicodemus.
They don’t smoke, they don’t drink, they don’t swear, they don’t cheat. They pay their taxes, they are voting citizens, but they don’t know Jesus or have a personal and intimate relationship with Him!
They do good things, they help poor people, and they give lots of money for good causes, but they have not been born from above! And as a result, they are just like Nicodemus in need of a savior before it is too late.
When Nicodemus came to Jesus he came seeking and searching When Nicodemus came to Jesus he was not satisfied with his religious position
When Nicodemus came to Jesus he came on secret quest for God
I notice that Jesus met with him in this secret meeting! And if you have the desire to meet Him, Jesus will meet you too in a secret meeting!
I have had some secret meetings with the Lord!
• There have been times when it’s just me and God meeting secretly for some serious business!
• There are times when I don’t need to have anybody else hearing my conversation with the Lord.
• There are times when my heart is so heavy and my mind so messed up, you couldn’t handle it if you knew what I had to pray about.
So, you see I am extremely glad today that God chose to meet with Nicodemus, because if he would meet with Nicodemus, then surely he will meet with me.
If he could tolerate that sinner, then one more shouldn’t bother Him!
(Can I get a witness?)
When Nicodemus met with Jesus, he had no idea who he was meeting with! He didn’t really know that he was kicking it with the visible image of the invisible God!
• He didn’t really know that he was the light of the world.
• He didn’t really know that he was the lily of the valley.
• He didn’t really know that he was the bright and morning star.
• He didn’t really know that he was The Alpha and the Omega.
• He didn’t really know that he was the savior of mankind.
And Nicodemus was having a one on one conversation with Heavens Hero!
And so it is with you this morning!
• Some of you today didn’t really know that you were singing to the one who made your vocal cords!
• Some of you today didn’t really know that you were praying to the one who gave you a mind to pray!
• Some of you today didn’t really know that you were standing in the presence of the one who gave you legs!
• Some of you today didn’t really know that you were hearing from the one who gave you ears!
And right now, you are having a moment with the Master!
• Some of you today, right now, the Spirit of God wants to meet with you!
• Some of you today, right now, he wants you to know what His plan is for man in the earth!
• Some of you today, right now, he wants to encourage you to trust Him with your life!
• Some of you today, right now, he wants you to put your faith and hope in him.
Jesus begins to reveal the providence and plan that God has for Nicodemus and the earth in verse 16:
16 ‘For God so loved the world’
His plan for Nicodemus was providential in that God saw Nicodemus had a need before he was born in the earth! Jesus wants Nicodemus to know that God not only loves the Jews but the whole wide world as well!
In spite of where man was in relationship to God, God had a plan for man in the earth. His plan involved a personal relationship with His creator built on love and communication.
There are 3 types of love in the world:
• Phileo (brotherly love)—homeboy to homeboy; girlfriend to girlfriend.
• Eros (erotic love)—love between lovers, as husbands & wives.
• Agape (benevolent love)—from one who has something to give to help another in need.
Love (Agapao) is that form of Godly love that commands benevolence in a social or moral instance. It is divine love that intervenes on behalf of somebody who is in need!
Jesus is sharing with Nicodemus that God had something to give because man was in need!
Man was in benevolent need (Agape) because man had rebelled against God in the very beginning of time. It’s shown in the story of Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve (the first 2 humans) had a choice in the Garden of Eden to obey God and live forever in perfect relationship with him.
However, they choose to rebel against God’s plan and through sin they disobeyed God by doing what he warned them not to!
Their disobedience death and separation entered into the world and passed unto all generations. Now everyman woman boy and girl, from the crack house to the white house, are born enemies of God who live in rebellion against him and his plan for their lives (sin messed everything up).The world is filled with it now!
However, God still loves the world! He has a benevolent love for her and a desire to see her saved!
This type of love is also what we need in relationships! Spouses need it for rebellious spouses, parents need it for wayward children, and children need it for sinful parents!
Agape love is a love that is benevolent, it gives regardless of the situation! This love is not conditional; it gives in spite of the situation and it gives when there is no love in return!
This Love is also providential: a parent has this for a child before a child is born. No matter what they grow up to do or to be, love for the child always supersedes any act of rebellion. As parents we hate the actions of our children, but we love the child.
I remember getting kicked out of school for gang related activity; Momma was mad and she went upside my head, but she fed me dinner that night (Her Love was unconditional)!
When I went to Jail for a drive by shooting, her heart was broke, and the family name was embarrassed. Momma wrote letters, forgave me for my actions and shared the gospel with me (Her
Love was unconditional)! She never approved of the behavior, but the behavior didn’t stop her from loving me.
In spite of the world’s rebellion, God is in love with humanity!
Just look at God’s love:
• In spite of man’s trouble and evil in the world, God loves the world!
• In spite of babies being killed in the womb, God loves the world!
• In spite of children killing their parents and parents killing their children, God loves the world!
God never approves of the worlds wicked and sinful behavior, but the behavior doesn’t stop him from loving man.
Because God saw mans sin and loved man so much he decided to do something about what he saw!
This is AGAPE LOVE—a love that does something for somebody in need of benevolence.
God’s provision for Nicodemus is seen in that ‘He gave His only begotten Son’.
• Because our sin demands payment, Sin had to be judged!
• Sin is the enemy of God and is directly opposing his will for man’s life.
God hates sin, not man. However, man’s rebellion must be punished! Because God is holy, His holiness must not let man get away with sin.
So God loved man so much that He provided man with a sacrifice to take away his sin. Sin had to be punished with death and the shedding of blood.
Jesus knows that Nicodemus is aware of this and that the sacrificial system was in place. But what Nicodemus does not know that Jesus was the Lamb of God who came to take away the Sin of the world.
He, God, gave: God sent his only begotten Son. God only sent one man to redeem mankind. Jesus was the one and only sacrifice sent from God. There is no other name under heaven through which a man can be saved.
Not Muhammad, Buddha, Allah, Mary or Moses. Not Pastor, Momma, Daddy or Grand-Daddy. It is Jesus alone.
He is the only begotten SON of GOD! Which means he alone came from God (He was sent and given as a gift)! He was the Only Son, “monogenes (mon-og-en-ace') only-born of God”.
• In Jesus God, was providing everything that Nicodemus needs to be born again.
• In Jesus God, was providing for Nicodemus salvation, security, safety, sanity, and a sure way to see God.
• In Jesus is the full provision of God for all that Nicodemus needed in life!
If you are looking for a moment with the Master, I stopped by to tell you in that moment Jesus is all that you need!
• In Jesus is your provision for life!
• He is bread when you are hungry!
• He is water if you are thirsty!
• He is shelter if you are homeless!
• He is a friend if you are friendless!
• He is help if you are helpless!
• He is a father if you are fatherless!
• He is a mother if you are motherless!
Jesus is Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord that Provides!
The end of verse 16 offers a divine pardon to Nicodemus:
That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
The Pardon consist of one thing: believing in Christ!
• The Greek word believe is the word pisteuo (pist-yoo’-o), it means to have faith in and to entrust one’s life to Christ!
• You must believe and trust in Christ alone for your salvation.
With this faith in God, there is also a turning away from Sin. It is a call to follow God totally and completely—to devote yourself to God!
What Jesus wants Nicodemus to know is that God loved the world so much that He gave them a Savior to trust in for salvation! In spite of their rebellion and sin against a Holy God!
Jesus wants Nicodemus to know, he has got to do more than have a head knowledge about this savior, but he must entrust his whole life to him!
If Nicodemus will do this, He will not perish, translated from the Greek appollumi (ap-ol'-loo-mee) meaning to destroy fully or lose all in eternity.
• To believe and entrust your life to Christ is to escape from perishing!
• To believe and entrust your life to Christ is to avoid eternal punishment!
• To believe and entrust your life to Christ is to be saved from that damnation to come!
If Nicodemus will entrust himself to Christ, he will have eternal life!
Eternal life is the life after death, because the wages of our sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ. (Rom. 6:23)
Nicodemus can be saved if he only believes in Christ as the savior of man-kind.
• The Mormon can be saved if he only believes in Christ as the savior of man-kind.
• The Buddhist can be saved if he only believes in Christ as the savior of man-kind.
• The Muslim can be saved if he only believes in Christ as the savior of man-kind.
• The Hindu can be saved if he only believes in Christ as the savior of man-kind.
• The Jehovah’s Witness can be saved if he only believes in Christ as the savior of man-kind.
• The new-ager can be saved if he only believes in Christ as the savior of man-kind.
• The scientologist can be saved if he only believes in Christ as the savior of man-kind.
• The Christian Scientist can be saved if he only believes in Christ as the savior of man-kind.
• The yoga worshipper can be saved if he only believes in Christ as the savior of man-kind.
Any person in any condition anywhere in the world, can be saved if they only believe in Christ as the savior of man-kind.
In the final verse Nicodemus discovers the purpose of sending Christ into the world:
17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
• God did not send Jesus into the world to destroy it!
• God did not send Jesus into the world to wipe man out!
• God did not send Jesus into the world to judge any one
He did not send Jesus into the world condemn Nicodemus!
This time he came to redeem it, to rescue mankind, and to show divine benevolence. He came to give mercy and show Grace that through him everyone that believes might be saved.
• Jesus was coming to earth on a mission of redemption and Salvation.
• Jesus was coming to earth to pay the price for man’s sin.
• Jesus was coming to earth to sacrifice himself as an offering unto God.
• On the cross we see the fulfillment of why Jesus came down from heaven.
• On the cross we Jesus shedding his precious blood to take away our Sin.
Jesus died, and was buried in a borrowed tomb, and early Sunday morning, he rose from the dead with all power of heaven and earth in his hands.